Check on your Prime Subscription

Prime Day is really only available for Prime members. Luckily, most of us are already Prime members. However, the first thing that you should do is to check out your Prime account and make sure it’s in good standing. If you’re set for a renewal soon, make sure you have the money in that account to renew it without any issues. It’s also a good idea to sign up for the annual membership, over the monthly one. Annually, it is going to be $139, however monthly it is $15. So if you pay monthly, it works out to $180. That’s quite a bit more than the annual price of $139. So if you are on a monthly plan, make sure to make that switch over to the annual plan.

Sign up for a Prime free trial

Check and update your payment methods

This is another common sense tip, to prepare ahead of Prime day, and that is to update your payment methods. Credit and debit cards change, they expire, and other issues might crop up. So make sure that your most recent cards are in there, and are up to date. That way you won’t have any issue checking out on Prime Day. This is actually very important because Prime Day deals can run out super quick. There have been times in the past where Prime Day deals went out of stock in mere minutes. And if you’re stuck fixing your payment method, you could lose out on that deal. So making sure it is up-to-date ahead of time can ensure you get that deal.

Get $10 free to spend on Prime Day

Make a Prime-eligible purchaseStream a show on Prime videoListen to a song with Prime MusicBorrow an e-book on Prime Reading

A piece of advice that we always give out ahead of big shopping holidays like Prime Day, is to create a list of things you need or want to buy, and stick to it. That way you’re not going into debt and buying stuff you don’t need.

Follow AndroidHeadlines for the latest deals

Finally, you’ll want to follow AndroidHeadlines for the latest deals on and around Prime Day. We’ve been covering deals here for every major holiday for ten years, and we do a good job of filtering out the noise of small discounts so you only see the actual deals. And we’ll be doing it again for Prime Day. So, make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and of course here on so you don’t miss any deals. We’ll be posting all of the great deals that you won’t want to miss. And that’s how you can prepare for Prime Day in 2022.

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